Every day we learn something, take on a brand new issue, work with seasoned as well as youthful leadership in our communities. Listed here are some of our successful efforts on behalf of our clients, proving that persistence, smart decision making and hard work produce meaningful results. Never afraid to take on tough issues, we leverage organizational assets to navigate the political landscape to consistently deliver success for our clients.

American Rescue Plan Act
In 2022, the legislature appropriated over $1B of federal pandemic recovery act dollars and we successfully worked with key clients, including the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands, to ensure dollars

Eliminating taxes for aging Nebraskans
American Communications Group worked with our client, AARP, to eliminate the state income tax on social security benefits. This was a major win for older Nebraskans. The advocacy work continued

Governor Support for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
LB276, introduced by Senator Anna Wishart on behalf of the Nebraska Association of Behavioral Health Organizations, gained strong support from Governor Pillen, who testified at the public hearing and after

Historic Housing Funding
Our team worked with a variety of clients and the Nebraska Legislature to direct historic amounts of funding toward housing development in Nebraska during the 2022 legislative session. There was

Lincoln Water 2.0
In 2022 and 2023 we worked with the City of Lincoln to advocate for and secure nearly $200 million in funding for a second water source for Nebraska’s second largest

$5.4M for Pediatric Cancer Research
In 2023, we established new funding for cancer projects, including Pediatric Cancer Research at the University of Nebraska Medical Center of $2.7M each year of the biennium budget funded through
Other Notable Work
- Social Security Income Tax Exemption
- Post-COVID Scope of Practice Update for Respiratory Therapists
- Earlier Transition Services for Students with Developmental Disabilities
- Increased Access to Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Services
- Increased Access to Developmental Disability Programs and Services
- Establish Stroke Protocols for Health Facilities in Nebraska
- Increased Annual Funding for Low-Income Legal Services
- Successfully Opposed Helmet Repeal Legislation
- Mental Health Parity
- Nebraska Affordable Housing Trust Fund
- Nebraska State Employees Collective Bargaining Act
- Strengthening and Protecting the Nebraska Clean Indoor Act
- Worked to Establish the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund earmarking over a $1 billion in Tobacco Settlement Monies for Health Care
- Led Advocacy to Establish the Nebraska Brew Pubs Expansion Act
- Prenatal Care Funding for Low Income Women
- Nebraska Environmental Trust
- First Microenterprise Tax Credit in the country
- Updating Licensure Statutes for Engineers, Architects, Physical Therapists,
Physician Assistants, Speech Therapists, Audiologists, Psychologists, Podiatrists - Constitutional Amendment for Non Profit Bonding
- Sales Tax Rebate for Renewable Energy
- Led Advocacy Efforts to Save Peru State College
- Chemo Parity Legislation
- Tobacco Tax Increase to Fund Health Services and Reduce Youth Smoking
- Health Department Creation
- Cash Balance Retirement Plan for State Employees
State Funding for Nebraska’s Federally Qualified Health Centers - Led Efforts to Increase Access to Health Services for Low Income Children in SCHIP Program
- Protect Tax Exempt Status for YMCA’s
- Funding for Microenterprise Loans
- Reform of Worker’s Compensation Laws
- Reform of Commission on Industrial Relations
- Insurance Coverage for Autism Treatment Services for Youth
- Led Advocacy Efforts to Establish State ABLE Act Tax Deferred Accounts for Children with Disabilities
- Mental Health Commitment Act
- Stem Cell Research Protection
- Emergency Medical Services Tuition Reimbursement
- Labor Misclassification Law
- Worked with Pew Charitable Trust to Protect Social Security
- Federal Health Care Law Grassroots
- Federal Renewable Energy Law