Success Stories Palliative Care Legislation Success Story During the 2017 Legislative Session, we worked with the American Cancer Society, Cancer Action... READ MORE
Success Stories Win for Families with Youth Transitioning to Adulthood In 2021, to pass legislation that would require school districts to consistently implement ... READ MORE
Success Stories Wins for Wind and Renewable Energy in Nebraska In 2013, we were able to work with our client, The Wind Coalition successfully with the passage of... READ MORE
Success Stories CHIP Legislation Success Story In 2009, we successfully worked with our client, the Nebraska Child Health and Education Alliance,... READ MORE
Success Stories Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Act In 2008, American Communications Group worked with a large coalition of healthcare groups, public... READ MORE
Success Stories Microenterprise Tax Credit Success Story The Center for Rural Affairs located in Lyons, Nebraska is a leading national rural economic... READ MORE